Booking Home Care Services

At bookinghomecare, we understand that home is more than just a's where your heart is. Our mission is to bring exceptional, personalized care directly to you and your loved ones, allowing you to enjoy the comfort and security of your home while receiving the support and professional services you need.
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home Claner

At bookinghomecare, we understand that home is more than just a's where your heart is.


At bookinghomecare, we understand that home is more than just a's where your heart is.

Blood pressure

At bookinghomecare, we understand that home is more than just a's where your heart is.


At bookinghomecare, we understand that home is more than just a's where your heart is.

transportation Service

At bookinghomecare, we understand that home is more than just a's where your heart is.

Coaching Services

At bookinghomecare, we understand that home is more than just a's where your heart is.


PHYSIOTHERAPIA is a medical device used In this treatment, patients breathe pure oxygen in a pressurized environment, typically at 1.5 to 3 times the normal atmospheric pressure. This increased pressure allows the body to absorb more oxygen, which can help treat a variety of medical conditions and enhance overall wellness.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

PHYSIOTHERAPIA is a medical device used In this treatment, patients breathe pure oxygen in a pressurized environment, typically at 1.5 to 3 times the normal atmospheric pressure. This increased pressure allows the body to absorb more oxygen, which can help treat a variety of medical conditions and enhance overall wellness.


Cryosauna, a type of cold therapy where the body is exposed to extremely low temperatures (below -100°C) for a brief period, typically 3 minutes. It involves stepping into a chamber that emits vaporized liquid nitrogen, which cools the air around the body. This treatment, also known as whole-body cryotherapy (WBC), is used for both wellness and recovery purposes.

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We provide the best consultation and home care services for you Ideas, 100% guaranteed delivery.



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Programma medici

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Assistenza sanitaria di base

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